The other day Preston pushed the bench from our table over to the counter. I didn't think much of it....he's not big enough to climb onto the I wasn't paying super close attention. The next time I looked over, Preston was standing on the bench, getting a drink of water from a cup on the counter! Startled, I ran over to get him down. I then realized what my smart little boy did. He pushed the bench over to the new box of diapers I just bought. He got onto the diaper box, then onto the bench, where of course he could stand up and get the drink he wanted so badly! This wouldn't be so odd if he were a little bigger, but he's only 13 months old! Most children are barely learning how to walk.....yet he's getting drinks from the top of the counter. I'm soooo in trouble with this little one!! I wish I had a picture....but in my panic, it didn't cross my mind to grab the camera.....