Friday, December 4, 2009

It's the little things

A couple of nights ago, I saw something that just made me smile. It wasn't anything big...but it was something that made me think a lot about the little things in life. The things that I hope I won't forget. My children are getting bigger every day, and I'm trying to enjoy all the things they do that make me realize what life is about. It's easy to overlook the every day mundane things. I have to stop and realize that these every day things are my children's whole world! They are only young once...and I hope I can enjoy it more.

This is what I saw that started me thinking....

Peyton's toys lined up along the tub. I listen to him play in the tub all the time...but seeing his little toys standing there waiting for him to come just gave me that happy feeling. How long will this stage last? Not long enough! He sings in the shower...and has full on conversations with his toys. I had to take a picture! Then I walked around the corner and saw this.....

His toy squid stuck to the front door. Then this......

Apparently he decided to clean the white board with his hands...then wiped them on the wall! Don't worry, it came off easily.
These are little boy things that happen every day. They can be frustrating things...but they are the things I will miss when my babies grow up!
I got to thinking about all the little things the rest of the kids do too....

Preston drools so much that it drips down my arms. He smiles at every silly face or noise I make. The way he rolls onto his belly and gets stuck there. The way he bats at his little toys until he can get hold of them, then they go straight to his mouth. I also love the way he screams before he cries, just to let us know that he's really mad! Hence the nickname "Screech" that Daddy gave him. He also likes to yell while he's "talking"...I think he likes the sound of his voice.

Caile says umm before starting almost every sentence. She says "good night, I love you" approximately 100 times before actually going to bed. She always has a new picture that she just drew to show everyone. Most importantly, she writes her name on everything! When I say everything, I literally mean everything. If it's will know it's hers! Maybe that's just a girl thing because I remember doing that.

Josh is getting so big, it's hard for me to catch him doing those fun kid things. He is in a stage of his own, but it's fun too. I love the way he is with his baby brother. He always wants to hold him, and even rocks him to sleep sometimes. When he's excited about something, he'll repeat it over and over until you can't stand hearing it anymore. He can be the sweetest most helpful kid when he wants to helping with dinner or taking the baby when I need to get something done. Josh is also a classic annoying big brother...if someone is happy and content, he'll make sure that changes! He likes to do just enough to get someone upset, without getting himself into trouble. That part is tough right now, but it'll be a good memory...and hopefully we'll laugh about it later!


Katie Ricks said...

that's awesome! It's a good idea to document those things. I know I'm gonna do that cause it's so fun to remember what you forgot. Thanks for sharing!

♥Mrs L ♥ said...

aww Catrina! your kids are growing and your so blessed!

I loved reading all the blog posts I missed.

it made me happy reading them because I could hear you talking...and blinking in between...