Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6 months :)

Preston is 0.5 years old! 6 months went quickly...even though it had its rough moments! Our little man has grown so much. He's babbling a ton, rocking back and forth on his knees and is a master army crawler. He can get around the house almost as well as if he were crawling on his knees. His doctor appointment went well...the doctor said he's sure Preston will crawl early. He's gaining weight well...he's still under the 50th percentile mark on pretty much everything...but he's consistent. We've decided we are going to wait a while to start him on regular baby foods. With all of his belly problems, I'm worried he'll be allergic to some of his foods. If we wait a while, we can decrease that chance a bit. We will stick to rice cereal for now. He likes it well enough. He does watch us eat with intense eyes. He really wants to try anything we'd be willing to give him. If your spoon or fork get too close to his mouth, he will get whatever you have! We have to work at keeping him away from our food if we have to hold him and eat. He's so beautiful. It's a good thing too, because he's still not sleeping through the night. He'll surprise me sometimes and have a good night, but usually he's up 2 0r 3 times. I can't wait to see what this next month brings!

My little man and my main man.....sleeping.....awwww!

Preston is so beautiful....he just melts my heart!

Trying to crawl....my big boy

Daddy and Preston playing

Peyton sharing his game with Preston. What a good big brother!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A couple of firsts

Preston's first tooth broke through. It's the bottom, front, left tooth. I just noticed it yesterday...but it may have been there for a couple days. He's already trying to take advantage of it, and is biting everything! It's a very cute little tooth! I wish I could take a picture, but he hardly even lets me look at it! Maybe when he gets his next tooth, I'll be able to get a picture of them both.

(this picture was taken a few days later...after his second tooth broke through on the bottom right...his right. I love his little teeth!)

Preston FINALLY slept in his crib! We all know that he is not a good sleeper, so he sleeps in any place that I can get him comfortable, or any place that he will sleep longer than 30 minutes! That means he has slept in his swing a ton. He's slept in my arms. He's slept on the floor a few times. He's also slept in his bouncy chair a couple of times. We only used his bassinet for probably 3-4 weeks because he just didn't sleep well. He was sleeping a max of 15 minutes at a time in there, so I finally gave up. The other day, after deciding I was really tired of sleeping on the couch, I tried putting him in his bed. He did really well! I think it was because it was dark, cool, and quiet in the bedroom. He slept for a long time! He has to be really asleep before I put him down, or it doesn't work. He's also had some relapses. He was sleeping through the night (mostly), but this last week, he's been awake about every 3 hours, and he wouldn't sleep in his bed for longer than an hour. We are back to the swing for right now, but we will get to the crib again soon. At least it's a start to normality!

Preston has recently been able to sit up on his own! I was able to leave him sitting for a few minutes...then he finally tipped over onto his side. Up until a couple of days ago, he would fall over after just a few seconds...so it's a huge upgrade in just a couple days! He's such a big little man!! :D

6th grade science fair!

I just wanted to do a little gloating....my daughter Caile took 1st place in her school's sixth grade science fair today! We are so proud of her for working so hard! She did a lot of research and spent a lot of time writing. Jared is good with the whole scientific process, so he made sure she was on track with everything. Other than editing and helping make things look pretty, she did most of it herself (with a little parental supervision). We really weren't expecting 1st place, but we are so happy for her! We will be moving on to the district science fair soon.

Her project was going to be something a little more "science like" but we got busy and procrastinated a bit, so we had to change our plan. Caile decided to see if certain types of cookie sheets will cause a cookie to burn. She researched the types of metals that cookie sheets are made from, and decided which one would cook the most evenly. Aluminum cookie sheets seemed to sound like the best option. Of course when she did the experiment, the thick 100% aluminum cookie sheet worked the best! The cookies were the same golden color on top and bottom. You'll never guess which one came in second....the cheap aluminum foil cookie sheet! The other expensive ones we bought...obviously not worth the money! Some were dark on bottom and doughy on top, or soft in the middle and crunchy on the edges. So, make sure you buy 100% aluminum cookie sheets for baking from now on, if you like evenly cooked foods that is! I guess the teachers voted on Caile's project because it used real world materials...and was something that you could use in your daily life. She also did well with the scientific process and how she set it up. We are proud of you Caile!