Tuesday, February 2, 2010

6th grade science fair!

I just wanted to do a little gloating....my daughter Caile took 1st place in her school's sixth grade science fair today! We are so proud of her for working so hard! She did a lot of research and spent a lot of time writing. Jared is good with the whole scientific process, so he made sure she was on track with everything. Other than editing and helping make things look pretty, she did most of it herself (with a little parental supervision). We really weren't expecting 1st place, but we are so happy for her! We will be moving on to the district science fair soon.

Her project was going to be something a little more "science like" but we got busy and procrastinated a bit, so we had to change our plan. Caile decided to see if certain types of cookie sheets will cause a cookie to burn. She researched the types of metals that cookie sheets are made from, and decided which one would cook the most evenly. Aluminum cookie sheets seemed to sound like the best option. Of course when she did the experiment, the thick 100% aluminum cookie sheet worked the best! The cookies were the same golden color on top and bottom. You'll never guess which one came in second....the cheap aluminum foil cookie sheet! The other expensive ones we bought...obviously not worth the money! Some were dark on bottom and doughy on top, or soft in the middle and crunchy on the edges. So, make sure you buy 100% aluminum cookie sheets for baking from now on, if you like evenly cooked foods that is! I guess the teachers voted on Caile's project because it used real world materials...and was something that you could use in your daily life. She also did well with the scientific process and how she set it up. We are proud of you Caile!

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