Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Escape?

Since the day my first son was born, I've struggled with "alone" time. It's nice to leave the room and have a minute to breathe. It's hard when your kids think you can solve the world's problems, and they can't stand to be without you for more than 2 minutes.

Starting with shower rituals....when Peyton was tiny, I'd take him in the bathroom with me and leave him in his bouncy chair while I did my 30 second shower. I could keep and eye on him, and get out if he needed anything. Little did I know, this phase would not pass. Pretty soon he was either showering with me, or crying outside the door while I showered. When they get a little bit older, there's the knocking on the door, sticking the fingers under the door, and asking muffled questions through the door. These questions are so important that it can't wait 5 minutes for me to come out...no...these are apparently life or death situations that require my attention NOW! Don't forget the tattling. I need to know that so-and-so called another so-and-so a name. This is crucial, and definitely can't wait. So-and-so must be punished now! Not to mention the occasional time that I hadn't locked the door...and the kids felt they had the right to just come on in! I've literally had to get out of the shower to solve some of these critical problems.

Most of my kids are older now, so a lot of the bathroom bugging has calmed (mostly because they are scared of 'Mommy turned Monster' when I'm bothered in the bathroom). I've told them that unless someone is dying, or the house is on fire, they aren't allowed to bother me when I'm in the bathroom! It's sad that taking a shower is my only real "me time", but hey, I take what I can get! It's my escape! One of my friends told me that she keeps a stash of chocolate in the bathroom for her escape time.  I might need to try that one!  For the most part though, I've got those kids trained!

Except....I was reminded today, what having a child 5 1/2 years after your previous child does to your "me time". The crying and knocking on the door obviously wasn't working, so next thing I know, the fingers show up under the door! I opened the door and Preston was crouched down, trying to see underneath it.  He wants to know what I'm doing in there!  How dare I leave the room without him! And so it begins again.....


Catrina said...

As a cousin of mine stated, " hahaha... and yet one must wonder - why did you have your camera in the bathroom with you?" Thanks Tonya lol! In case anyone else was wondering...Preston did this to me earlier in the day, so I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom to see if he'd do it again. Sure enough....I got the picture!

Katie Ricks said...

To cute!! :)

Diana said...

That is cute Catrina! Love those tiny little fingers!!! Hope you are doing well!!