Monday, January 31, 2011

Why don't people know how to use 4 way stops?!

4 way stops aren't that complicated, are they? 

I do know that they give me anxiety. 

Every morning, while taking my son to school, I come across a 4 way stop.  It's a pretty simple concept.  Whoever stops first, goes first. 

The problem?  Nobody pays attention to who stops first. 

The people who stopped last want to go first and cut you off.  The people who stopped first wave you to go ahead of them. 

I JUST DON'T GET IT! It's not hard to know if you stopped before or after someone!

I get some sort of road rage when everyone is sitting at their stop sign, and nobody is moving. 

I'm scared to just go, because some other crazy person might just take me out.  Sometimes when I'm coming to a 4 way stop, I purposely slow down to let the other person stop first.  I figure this way, they know they stopped first.  It's not a race for me. Yet, somehow, they don't know that they stopped first!   

And God forbid we stop at the same time....that look of complete confusion will spread across their face.  I try to avoid this completely.  Nobody seems to remember that the person on the right goes first in this situation.    

So, I slow.....stop a few seconds after the first car stops, a couple seconds later a 3rd car stops, then the 4th.  The first car is still sitting there.....waving for me to go, when out of nowhere the 3rd car goes. 

What is wrong with people?  It's weird how smart people can become complete morons at a 4 way stop!

Does Utah not require driving school and passing tests to get a license?  Is it like this in every state?! 

 The 4 way stop is not that complicated!!  Pay attention people!

Deep breath Catrina, deep breath.........sigh  

In case you were wondering where on Earth I get my information, I provided a link! (for those who could use some studying) :)


TisforTonya said...

hahaha... TOO true... and if you're not familiar with the concept of roundabouts, trust me... as simple as they are they cause no end of frustration when you get in them with those same people who don't understand 4 way stops!

Catrina said...

Oh! don't remind me about roundabouts! It does not a have a STOP sign! There's a huge difference between yield and stop lol. That's a whole post in itself though :)

Heather B said...

I must confess that roundabouts totally freaked me out for a while, but now that I'm used to them I'm scared to go back to the land of the 4-way-stop. I was laughing as I read this, because I do the same thing--slowing down so there's no question as to who stopped first. But then that 'super-considerate' person will wave me through--makes me crazy! Just follow the rules, people!!