Sunday, January 3, 2010

I'm eating!

We wrapped up Preston's second round of antibiotics today...hopefully we are completely done with the ear infections for a while! He has a little bit of a snotty nose, so I'm a little worried. He was put on a stronger antibiotic this time around, so I can't imagine it didn't work. He seems to be feeling well. This sick kid stuff is new to me! Peyton rarely got sick when he was a baby. Here we are just 4 1/2 months in, and Preston has already had 2 ear infections. I honestly don't know what the difference is. I don't think I'm doing anything different to cause the problem. I just have to accept that Preston is a bit more complicated!

We started Preston on rice cereal tonight! Let me just say, he loved it! I think he wanted more, but I was nervous to give him too much on his first go round. With a not so good history of tummy problems, I wasn't going to over do it! He didn't seem to have much of a problem working the food in his mouth...I think it's all the practice he's had eating his antibiotics! He kept trying to grab the spoon from me and would pull the sleeve of my shirt toward him so he could get another bite! It went really well. We've reached another milestone!


Katie Ricks said...

he's sooo cute!

♥Mrs L ♥ said...

Catrina!! he's a little heartbreaker! I wish I lived closer to that I could come play with him so that I could love him!! He's so freaking CUTE!!!

I think double ear infections is just going around. I got a couple people whose babies are getting sick.

Btw, I just wanted to thank you for always being my friend. Even tho we don't talk as nearly as much as we should. But your always my sister from another mister...

Mandy said...

He is so cute! Likin' that rice cereal! Jenna had tubes at 6 months...infection after infection. Trev has had 1 and almost a year. These kids are all different and need manuals! Thanks for posting on my blog this week...I appreciate you- thanks for being real!

Heather B said...

How clueless am I that I didn't even realize you were following our blog! Your family is darling, and I love the photo on your header. Hope you are all healthy and enjoying life--take care!