Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Few Things

I had a quick visit from my Mom yesterday! Luckily the charge nurse at work was able to pull off keeping me on call for the night....so I actually got to visit for a while! Otherwise, I would have been able to visit for about 30 minutes before work, and about an hour after work before she left. She was suppose to come see me on Friday, along with both of my brothers, my sister and their kids. Unfortunately, my sister Tabytha miscarried her second child this year. So plans changed and my Mom went to Cedar City to help Taby out instead, which is totally how it should have been! I actually didn't think I'd see her at all, but she decided to drive through Salt Lake and take I-80 home, so she stayed the night here. It was nice to at least see her. Of course she had my nephews Isaac and Kaden with her, so it was super fun for Peyton too! He always loves having more boys in the house! We were able to have dinner together and watched a couple movies....and my Mom got to rub my belly. She said she wanted to see me before I had the baby so she could rub my belly at least once. She is so funny.

So my poor sister....she was 15 weeks pregnant. She went in for her checkup and there was no heartbeat. This is her second pregnancy loss this year, so it's been a bit more difficult this time. The baby only measured 12 weeks and 3 days...so we aren't exactly sure when the heart stopped. It was devastating to her though. She had a D&C the next day and is working on moving on again. She is so strong and always has a positive attitude. I know she'll be fine.

As for my pregnancy...things seem fine. I'm getting very large, and have many more stretch marks this time. My belly itches like crazy! I can't seem to keep enough lotion and oil on it! At my last visit, everything measured fine and the baby's heartbeat was 141. The only thing the doctor noticed is that the baby was head up. I have an appointment tomorrow, so we will see if that changes. I hope so! I know I've still got time, but I honestly don't think this baby has much room to move anymore. We will see. The baby has had hiccups a few times! That's always fun! I was waiting for that to happen. It's like a baby's right of passage. They can't be born before they have hiccups in the womb. Anyway, I'll update how things are going after my appointment tomorrow.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Getting so close!! You must post some pictures of you- at least one from the side! I miss seeing you and everyone, and would love to see the baby belly! I bet it is so cute!!