Thursday, August 6, 2009

37 weeks

37 weeks tomorrow, only 3 more to go....and hopefully I won't wait quite that long! I've been uncomfortable, but the baby has dropped a bit, so my breathing is better. It's about time. I had my appointment today, not nearly as scary as last time! The baby's heart rate is 152, I'm measuring fine....and have gained a total of 23 lbs. I've had a lot of low pains and pressure...but it's not doing much. I'm dilated to 1 1/2, according to the doc, and have thinned only a little. Of course they said I was a 1+ the morning I went into labor with Peyton. I think I'm not one of those people who walks around for a week at a 3 or 4! That's just crazy. By the time I hit a 3 last time, I thought I was dying. It may have had something to do with back labor...but it sucked. Anyway, I'm not going to hold my breath....I'll just wait for things to happen when they happen. The doc did say that since he is leaving during my last week of pregnancy, that he'll strip my membranes to try to get things started, without actually inducing me. So that's where we are....just waiting!

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