Friday, May 22, 2009

26 weeks!

I've officially reached 26 weeks pregnant's gone fast, but the time is starting to slow. I think it has something to do with not breathing properly, not being able to sleep comfortably at night, and heartburn that just can't be controlled! I'm loving that I feel the baby move so much definately gives me comfort. I saw my doctor yesterday....the baby's heartbeat is still strong. He told me that if my shortness of breath gets worse, we'll do a chest xray. He will make sure it's not my lungs or my heart causing the problem. We both really just think it's the baby squishing everything out of place. It comes and goes. I've also gained 10 lbs so far! YIKES! No wonder I can't breath! I've never been this heavy in my life! My body just can't keep up. It's more exciting if I think of it as 14 weeks to go! I'm still very unprepared for the baby. I need to go shopping! I need to set up the crib! I need to shampoo carpets! There is a lot to do! My goal is to have everything ready in the next month....okay, maybe 8 weeks. We will see!

1 comment:

Katie Ricks said...

Congrates on 26 wks!! That's so great!! yeayah! So 10lbs huh?! That's nothing! It seems like you should of had gained more than that!! You're just a little thing and your probably right. That little guy is making everything squished together. But hopefully you are all ok inside! If you need a buddy to go get baby stuff I'd love to come! Our apartment is so nice. I love it! It's very modern. Luv ya and miss ya! Take care of you! TTYL!